Biblical Coaching

Alan’s Blog and Thoughts on Spiritual Counseling
How Can You Be a Disciple?

How Can You Be a Disciple?

"Everyone will know that you are a Disciple if you love one another." Sounds simple, right? In this case, love is more than just an emotion, it's an action. Learn how to love like a true disciple by listening to this week's podcast!

What is Disciple-making?

What is Disciple-making?

Discipleship is not optional in the Christian life, it is essential. It is something that continues over a lifetime and will transform your life and relationships. Tune in for the first episode in our series on discipleship and disciple-making. In today's episode,...

Learning More About Discipleship

Learning More About Discipleship

One major characteristic of a Disciple is to love one another. We heard early in our Christian walk that love is an action, not just a feeling. In this week's podcast, Pauly and Alan discuss how to take action and love unconditionally. Listen now to learn...

How to Make SMART Goals

How to Make SMART Goals

It's important to ensure that you're making goals that will add value to your relationships. The term "SMART goals" is an acronym that acts as a reminder to make goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-sensitive.

Our Identity

Our Identity

This week we dive deep into the issue of identity. We will tackle these ideas: Running away from your identity, is a race you'll never win. God wants you to be yourself. What truly matters about identity?

If I Had My Life to Live Over

If I Had My Life to Live Over

These past few months I have seen a few funerals. It makes you think how you would live your life. Here are some great ideas from Erma Bombeck about how to live life well... IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER - by Erma Bombeck  (written after she found out she was dying...

Dealing with Limps and Thorns

Dealing with Limps and Thorns

Jacob's Limp It was never the same, His thigh, After God Touched him there. In our weakness His strength Carries us. A thorn in the flesh Nagged Paul, A reminder, You can’t go it alone. Remember Your limp. Embrace Your thorn. –Pauly Heller We all need a limp, a place...


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